“Beats darkness. Once that light of joy, a special get even-kind of light comes on, there is nothing like it anywhere.”
Acrylic on canvas 52 x 60, 2018 Exhibited: The Future is Immersive
Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City

Germany November 14. Contact the artist at tomchristopher.nyc

Seit 1995
Feldbergstraße 28 | D-60323 Frankfurt am Main
T. +49 69 – 72 22 44 | F. +49 69 – 72 22 33
The New Yorkers (exhibit title) references photographer Robert Frank and his series; The Americans.
In a journalistic approach he documented people caught unaware of their being subject. He looked as an outsider with a fresh eye.
I have been away from the theme of NYC for about two years, working on murals in the Caribbean and lost in Virtual Reality paintings. Returning the last 18 months to the theme of the modern urban city, NYC, with a renewed eye.
So, what’s new?
More than ever it seems people are totally unaware of their surroundings. Heads down texting or so totally wrapped up in thought that the outside world doesn’t exist. Great for an artist drawing and taking pictures as nobody notices and you can stand around all day as a snoop. They are just cocooned in what they are doing, texting, calling, lost in thought. I have no idea how people can focus enough to cross the street.
I’m seeing seas of people scrambling together with cabs, cars, busses, bike riders, towering buildings, all along with little moments of brilliant sunshine, a relief from the cacophony, standing in introspective aloneness trying to figure out the labyrinth of making their way, making a new life in the insane madness of a great city. The great urban adventure is alive and well.
Splashes of vibrant color, circles of white light relieve dark purple shadows. Some scenes in black and white, film noir, like the 1940’s rising up out of the sidewalks.
One question often get asked is Why Germany?
For me, the best artists have come from here and are now painting here today. From Kirchner, Schmidt-Rotluff, Nolde to Lupertz, Baselitz and Richter. There is something good about Germany that is great for artists.
There is an enthusiasm for paintings that exits here. For example Lee Krasner has a huge show in Frankfurt. In USA, where she spent her life, she is dismissed as Jackson Pollack’s long suffering wife. Here she is rightfully celebrated as a great artist.
We think we know Van Gogh. But in Germany, the largest exhibit ever is on, showcasing many unseen before works in depth and comparison with copyists and the German Expressionists, Der Brucke artists who were inspired by him and pushed his ideas further down the path of glorious painting..
My advice to painters is to travel to see these shows. Then stay and paint for awhile. Vibrant art scene, Frankfurt seems to be becoming the art center of Europe.
It seems artists receive many questions from collectors interested in the act of painting. They want to know about the process. How does a subject and idea get to canvas. German collectors also buy art when they like it. Good for you German Art Collectors!
Barbara von Stechow and I have worked together as artist and gallerist for over twenty years. I am very proud of this. In many dealers eyes most artists are only as “good as their last show.” Artists are famous for known for jumping ship to the next opportunity to a glamorous art career. We have a great relationship and both know how lucky we are. Barbara has held steady during times when the art world was looking the other way focussed on video or installation art. Thank you Barbara.
Tom, did you know Paul Blaine Henry ?
Your work reminds me of him and some of his work/style. He was a friend of our family back in the 1960s and 70s. He gave my parents many works over the years and I have a couple in my home. Anyway, LOVE your stuff! John