art KARLSRUHE offers a wide variety of art, ranging from classical modern to contemporary art to around 50,000 expected visitors. More than 200 international galleries presenting their gallery programme and one-artist-shows accompanied by a varied framing programme and the special presentation of a private collection.
You can experience art KARLSRUHE live again from 22 to 25 February 2024 at the Messe Karlsruhe.Circa 175 galleries are exhibiting at art KARLSRUHE. They focus on the most diverse positions and periods of artistic creativity. The exhibiting galleries are augmented by exhibitors from museums, associations, clubs, educational institutions and publishing houses. To facilitate your orientation, each of the four halls focuses on a specific thematic area.Here you can find a brief explanation about each thematic area, as well as more detailed information about selected styles of art and some of the artists who exemplify them.

Avenue of the Americas 92 x 92